Monday, October 20, 2008

Always Count Your Blessings, Even On Your Worst Day!

Last night Troy spoke on the phone with the family up the street from us that were also robbed last week. Hearing their story makes my heart ache for them and makes you realize that someone always has it worse than you do. You should always count your blessings, even in the worst of times!

The burglars took their time in this house. They broke in the back of the house and left about a ½ hour before the owner came home (neighbors saw the car leave).

They took over $2,000 in jewelry, ransacked kids and the family’s drawers. They took the time to find a cordless drill and remove the big flat screen from the wall that was hung with 4 inch screws! They took DVD’s, games, etc. (Which I still can’t believe they didn’t take any of ours and it leads me to again believe they were spooked and left our home in a hurry… which is so lucky for us).

With the security system in place, I’m feeling much safer. Yet with the wind and leaves blowing around last night… I had my first night where spooked myself and was awake from 3:30am to 4:45am listening to make sure nobody was trying to get in and getting up to check windows and on Cason a couple times after each “suspicious” sound our house made. (Horrible feeling).

On a better note: Conversion at the bank happened this weekend, and it’s such a HUGE relief to be on the downhill. Yet, this week will bring lots of interesting times as we find kinks and iron them out…. We are one step closer to “normal” again!!

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