Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I wanted to send out some Happy Thanksgiving wishes to everyone from all of us.

We celebrated Thanksgiving with Troy’s side in WI this past weekend and had a great time. The kids got lots of outdoor time and Troy & the guys hunted all weekend. I even went with him for awhile, but a small incident on the 4 wheeler with Katilyn, Kevin and I brought Katilyn and I back to the house sooner than we anticipated.

I got to spend a lot of time with my nephew, Brady, as Tara was pretty busy with their dog Harley who had been injured while out exploring. He ended up having a blood transfusion and surgery on his leg. The time with Brady was SO fun. He’s such an adorable little boy.

We will spend Thanksgiving Day with my family and then Troy will take off for WI again to get that BUCK! I have plans with friends Friday night and a day trip planned with mom on Saturday. Both kids are gone… so the house is mine for a few days. It sounds nice, but I usually don’t enjoy it as much as I should.

Hoping you and your families enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday, may your hearts and bellies be warm and full!

Troy, Jenny, Cason & Katilyn

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Great News!

We had the ultrasound today…. I left my desk at work at 10:10 and was back by 10:45. Record time!

The ultrasound went very quick… and everything looked really good and clean! The bleeding has completely stopped as of yesterday afternoon, and everything looked healthy. I will have an HCG reading again next Monday, and then once I have one full good cycle, we will be able to start trying again.

Moving on and putting this behind us!!! Feels great.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Heart Wrenching

We talked with the kids last night about the miscarriage. They both had some questions, and they seem to understand well what happened. But, Cason was so upset. He was sitting in my lap and he turned, leaned his head into my chest and cried. My heart just broke.

I will say I was so nervous to talk to them, you feel like you have to say just the right thing to your kids. We are supposed to protect our children from hurt. Last night was definitely the hardest part of this whole experience.

When putting Cason to bed, we prayed for next time and for the baby to grow healthy and strong. I told Cason it was ok to talk about this and if he wanted to, we can talk about it at anytime. He said, “Mom, I am sad.”

Seeing your kids’ hearts ache is the hardest thing to take in!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cute Cason Story

I have a share a cute story about my little lover-boy. There is a little girl at daycare. Her name is Iris and she’s about 1 1/2. She has these adorable white blonde curls and a fair complexion. So, so cute! She LOVES Cason.

This morning when we got there (later than usual), she ran to the bottom of the steps, looking up with her arms open wide she yelled, “Cason?! Cason?!” Erin said that she had been doing this when every child arrived and was mad when it would turn out to not be Cason. But, this time, it was Cason, and she was so excited.

He walked down the steps to her, sat carefully on the bottom step and said “Hi Iris, can I have a hug?” She reached her little arms out around him and then puckered up to give him a great big kiss. Then, she patted his legs, so happy to see him, “Cason, Cason” she said with a huge smile.

She was so happy to have her Cason there… and he was so sweet and gentle with her. “Come on” he said as he walked with her in to the play room.

My heart melted!!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tough Friday!

Yesterday was a very tough day. Our fears became reality when I started some heavy bleeding and cramping at work about one PM. We have miscarried. My heart aches!

My husband has been the most supporting and loving man!! I love him even more today!!! I am so lucky to have the relationship I do!

We will mend and try again...

Until then, this weekend we are relaxing and just being together. I am anxious for this whole miscarriage process to be over! OUCH and YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Positive Thoughts & Prayers

So many people sent positive thoughts and prayers my way back when I was sick… and I really believe that is why everything turned out so well and I’m doing so well now!!

I’m going to ask that same favor again…. Troy and I went in for an ultrasound yesterday because I’ve been having some spotting and very light cramping for a few days now. The US showed that we are not 7 weeks and 4 days where they thought I should be. It only shows I’m 5 weeks 0 days (yesterday). This could mean two things:

My cycles are still out of whack and I’m only 5 weeks along and all is good. Everything looked good on the US, so we are very hopeful this is the case. Or it could mean that this pregnancy is not a volatile one and we are miscarrying. We have wanted this for so long, and were so excited when finding out we were expecting, that I pray and hope that all is ok, and we’ll just have a July baby instead of a June baby.

We go back in a week and I will have another US and we’ll know for sure what is going on. Until then,

I’m thinking positive and saying lots of prayers!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Exciting News!!

We have some big news, but wanted to try and spread the word to family and friends in person or via phone before posting on the blog. Troy and I are expecting! We (and the kids) are so excited! We are approximately 6 ½ weeks along and have our first appointment this Thursday (6th). If the online calculator is accurate we will be due right around June 27th. COULD I HAVE PLANNED THAT ANY BETTER??? I will have most of the summer off!

We have already started “preparing” for a bigger family and bought a new minivan this past weekend. Though I swore in my younger years I’d never own one, I love it. It’s an ‘08 Dodge and has all the bells and whistles. I LOVE driving it!! The kids think it’s pretty cool too.

Thanks everyone for all the sweet emails, phone calls and messages…. I try to say it often but can’t express enough how blessed we are to have the family and friends we do.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

Friday night brought some good laughs and good times. Katilyn is in Disney World with her mom, so Troy and I took Cason out Trick or Treating. Mom surprised Cason by dressing up as Tigger and showing up at daycare to pick him up. Cason had a ball with his friends and due to the nice weather had over 2 hours to trick or treat. He had to empty his pale twice and stuff Troy's pockets so he had more room! We are having a party at Grandma Jill's this weekend and will have more fun pics when we ALL dress up!

Weekend With Family in WI

We spent a long overdue weekend with Troy's family in WI, two weekends ago and had a blast. I learned how to shoot a hand gun and the kids shot Katilyn's PINK 22. All three of us did great hitting the target. In fact, Troy, my father in law and brother in law would not probably admit, but I'd say I outshot them! ha ha!! I've attached a few pictures. We look forward to getting back over Thanksgiving and I may just even get out there and do a little hunting with Troy!