Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I wanted to send out some Happy Thanksgiving wishes to everyone from all of us.

We celebrated Thanksgiving with Troy’s side in WI this past weekend and had a great time. The kids got lots of outdoor time and Troy & the guys hunted all weekend. I even went with him for awhile, but a small incident on the 4 wheeler with Katilyn, Kevin and I brought Katilyn and I back to the house sooner than we anticipated.

I got to spend a lot of time with my nephew, Brady, as Tara was pretty busy with their dog Harley who had been injured while out exploring. He ended up having a blood transfusion and surgery on his leg. The time with Brady was SO fun. He’s such an adorable little boy.

We will spend Thanksgiving Day with my family and then Troy will take off for WI again to get that BUCK! I have plans with friends Friday night and a day trip planned with mom on Saturday. Both kids are gone… so the house is mine for a few days. It sounds nice, but I usually don’t enjoy it as much as I should.

Hoping you and your families enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday, may your hearts and bellies be warm and full!

Troy, Jenny, Cason & Katilyn

1 comment:

Julie said...

It will be great seeing you Friday! I'm sure we'll both be still stuffed from Thursday.... Happy Thanksgiving to your family!