Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Babies Update- almost 14 weeks

I met with my OB Doc at Mayo yesterday (in OB) and he is the one who will take care of us and the babies now until they are born. My due date has been moved up… March 18th. If I don’t go on my own by 38 weeks, they will induce. The babies going 40 weeks doesn’t do much for them (that extra 2 weeks) and it’s riskier to the babies if we go over 38 weeks. So, babies will be here in time for Easter! :)

I really like our doctor… very down to Earth and very excited about caring for me and the twins. He told me it’s a good sign that the nausea/ vomiting has let up and that I can definitely plan on it continuing to get better and better as the weeks pass. Whew! Yesterday was a rough day again … so it was a GREAT day to hear that!

He was ok with me cancelling all the testing they were going to put me through this Thursday to see if I could “maybe” get the flu shot under observation. If someone in our family or someone I work/ live closely with tests positive for H1N1, they will treat me immediately with Tamiflu, to hopefully avoid me getting it at all. That is a much safer route (he and I agreed) that messing with the flu shot/ egg allergy/ etc.

We had another ultrasound, we will at every appointment to monitor the babes… and even the doctor said, “wow, are they growing?!” They now look like babies… little hands and feet were moving all about! They both look great. There is a membrane that runs between them giving them their own space, blood supply, etc which just confirms that we have the best possible scenario when it comes to twins. Nothing is shared! The one on the right is still a mover… moving all about, we got some really good photos. Baby on the left is still a little shy and doesn’t show off as much for the camera, but we did get a good little foot shot. :)

He also told me that with Cason’s size (8lbs) and the history with his birth, it’s very reasonable to assume I will be able to have a vaginal birth and not a C-Section as long as the twins cooperate and are positioned like they need to be when the time comes. He also said going a full 38 weeks would probably result in 6lb or so babies… smaller babies than Cason of course, but like he said, “that’s a lot of baby for you to carry!”

I go back again in 3 weeks to see my Dr. again… I will have frequent appointments with this pregnancy all the way through and then the first week of November will bring our BIG Ultrasound, and of course the news we are soooo anxious to find out, what are we having??!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 12- End of First Trimester!!

Things seem to be letting up a bit and I (knock on wood) am feeling better the last two days. Absolutely no puking yesterday (Tuesday) … made it all day!! And, this morning had a little episode, but I think it was brought on by brushing my teeth. Poor Cason was in the shower and he just gets so concerned when mom gets sick.  He rubbed my back a little and told me “it’s ok, mom” while I hovered over the toilet. Then, I reassure him that mommy and babies are totally ok, and that it’s a GOOD sign that mommy feels this way and gets an upset tummy because it means the baby are growing strong and healthy!

Thanks to my wonderful Sister-In-Law, Tara, who filled the back of my van with hand me down maternity clothes and some other goodies, I have been blessed with a wide assortment of books to read/ enjoy through this pregnancy. One is on Twins specifically and it stated that some moms can start to feel some movement as early as 14 weeks, which is only TWO weeks away. I can’t wait for these joys to begin! In a little over a month (end of October) we will be having our “big” ultrasound and will find out at that time the sexes of the babies. We’ll see if my gut leads me astray, but I was right on with Cason and this time I’d be willing to bet we have a little boy and a little girl.

One of my FAVORITE child hood books is “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” by Dr. Seuss. Tara sent one that is a special version to be read to babies In Utero. I read it twice last night… first time (out loud) to myself and the babes and the second time with Cason curled up beside me on the couch. LOVE IT! It will definitely be my new favorite gift to give at Baby Showers. I have enjoyed giving the other version to God Children and at Graduations thus far. Gotta love Dr. Seuss!

On another note, school is in full swing for both Cason & Katilyn and both are having a great time and loving being back. I will post a picture of their first day of school soon. They are both getting so grown up!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Babies Update- Week 11

Lucky #3?? I’m now on a new drug, our third shot at trying to bring some relief to the constant nausea and 4 to 5 times a day vomiting. So, we’ll see if this does the trick… and hopefully in the next week to two weeks I will naturally begin to feel better as I enter the 2nd trimester!

We got to take a quick look today at our babes in our first OB Full work up appt, and we have a WILD one on our hands, I think. One baby was lying so nicely and moved ever so gently around, and the other was a moving, shaking, flailing arms & legs as if to say, “Hey, mom & dad, look what I can do!!”

We want to wish you all a Happy & Safe Holiday weekend!! Sounds like some beautiful weather… so Troy and I are headed to the lake to hang with Mom & Pete at the camper and it sounds like a great weekend ahead to be doing so!