Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 12- End of First Trimester!!

Things seem to be letting up a bit and I (knock on wood) am feeling better the last two days. Absolutely no puking yesterday (Tuesday) … made it all day!! And, this morning had a little episode, but I think it was brought on by brushing my teeth. Poor Cason was in the shower and he just gets so concerned when mom gets sick.  He rubbed my back a little and told me “it’s ok, mom” while I hovered over the toilet. Then, I reassure him that mommy and babies are totally ok, and that it’s a GOOD sign that mommy feels this way and gets an upset tummy because it means the baby are growing strong and healthy!

Thanks to my wonderful Sister-In-Law, Tara, who filled the back of my van with hand me down maternity clothes and some other goodies, I have been blessed with a wide assortment of books to read/ enjoy through this pregnancy. One is on Twins specifically and it stated that some moms can start to feel some movement as early as 14 weeks, which is only TWO weeks away. I can’t wait for these joys to begin! In a little over a month (end of October) we will be having our “big” ultrasound and will find out at that time the sexes of the babies. We’ll see if my gut leads me astray, but I was right on with Cason and this time I’d be willing to bet we have a little boy and a little girl.

One of my FAVORITE child hood books is “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” by Dr. Seuss. Tara sent one that is a special version to be read to babies In Utero. I read it twice last night… first time (out loud) to myself and the babes and the second time with Cason curled up beside me on the couch. LOVE IT! It will definitely be my new favorite gift to give at Baby Showers. I have enjoyed giving the other version to God Children and at Graduations thus far. Gotta love Dr. Seuss!

On another note, school is in full swing for both Cason & Katilyn and both are having a great time and loving being back. I will post a picture of their first day of school soon. They are both getting so grown up!


Michelle Lee said...

Helpful hint that I still do to this day. With Brianne I was sick 3x a day every day til the end. Brushing my teeth was the WORST! Try brushing your teeth while you are in the shower. It helped me a TON.

Love ya!


Troy and Jenny Steffes said...

Showers & baths even nauseated me up until a day or two ago. The water running on me, the smell of shampoo and sitting in the water in a bath made me feel SICK! I puked in the shower MANY times. And, actually brushing my teeth has brought some "relief" at times, flavors of ANYTHING I eat lingers forever and I hate that so that clean feeling helps. :) But, this is all seeming to get better with each day that has passed in the past three days!!! Thank Goodness! :)

Michelle Lee said...

Excellent news! I believe those babes are going to be some of the healthiest babies ever by the amount of morning/all day long sickness you've had my dear. :)