Thursday, November 13, 2008

Positive Thoughts & Prayers

So many people sent positive thoughts and prayers my way back when I was sick… and I really believe that is why everything turned out so well and I’m doing so well now!!

I’m going to ask that same favor again…. Troy and I went in for an ultrasound yesterday because I’ve been having some spotting and very light cramping for a few days now. The US showed that we are not 7 weeks and 4 days where they thought I should be. It only shows I’m 5 weeks 0 days (yesterday). This could mean two things:

My cycles are still out of whack and I’m only 5 weeks along and all is good. Everything looked good on the US, so we are very hopeful this is the case. Or it could mean that this pregnancy is not a volatile one and we are miscarrying. We have wanted this for so long, and were so excited when finding out we were expecting, that I pray and hope that all is ok, and we’ll just have a July baby instead of a June baby.

We go back in a week and I will have another US and we’ll know for sure what is going on. Until then,

I’m thinking positive and saying lots of prayers!!

1 comment:

Michelle Lee said...

Sweetie you KNOW our thoughts and prayers are with you all right now. Keeping our fingers crossed!!! And July babes are GREAT!!!