Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Handsome little man

Cason and I were at the mall today... as I was standing at the Alltel counter, Cason was eyeing up the huge display of candy machines to our left. A college age girl carrying a camera came over to me. She said, "Without sounding too weird, I think your son is adorable. Would you mind if I gave him a quarter and took his picutre while he looks at the candy? I am working on a photography project about commercial selling and how many options and how overwhelming it can be in America.Most countries would have one gum ball machine, we have rows of them for kids to choose from." So, Cason and I went over to the candy (I gave him a couple quarters) and she snapped almost a full roll of film of him looking all bright eyed and excited at the candy options. She was so sweet... and when the roll was done and winding back into the camera, she asked Cason if he wanted to see how her camera worked. She sat right down on the floor with him and let him push buttons, work with the zoom, and look through her camera. She has my email and will be emailing me the shots... I can't wait to see them. I just happened to have my camera in my purse (if you know me, I usually do) and snapped a couple shots of she and Cason. It was a fun experience... and how great that my cutie pie caught a photographer's eye?! :)


Marsha said...

That's adorable!

Michelle Lee said...

Well of course she would think that....just look at that little face! :)