Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Exciting News!!

We have some big news, but wanted to try and spread the word to family and friends in person or via phone before posting on the blog. Troy and I are expecting! We (and the kids) are so excited! We are approximately 6 ½ weeks along and have our first appointment this Thursday (6th). If the online calculator is accurate we will be due right around June 27th. COULD I HAVE PLANNED THAT ANY BETTER??? I will have most of the summer off!

We have already started “preparing” for a bigger family and bought a new minivan this past weekend. Though I swore in my younger years I’d never own one, I love it. It’s an ‘08 Dodge and has all the bells and whistles. I LOVE driving it!! The kids think it’s pretty cool too.

Thanks everyone for all the sweet emails, phone calls and messages…. I try to say it often but can’t express enough how blessed we are to have the family and friends we do.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Let's see pictures of this van, woman!!!